Sense I don't have much to do and I don't feel like cleaning I have been doing crafts!
I saw this craft about 2 months ago and saved the picture so I could remember it and now cant find the original post but I winged it and I like how it turned out! I decided that I would not buy cute things for my little girls room that if I wanted it to look cute I had to do everything by hand or on clearance. So far so good and I feel crafty!
So I tried to make it and I love it! Here is my simple version!
The finished project!!
You will need:
- Embroidery Hoop thebroidery hoop: I got at Michales for 1.19 (only the solid hoop is needed; the hoop I used is about 14in in diameter)
- Twine / String
- Ribbon (1/2 inch or so width)
- Ribbon (thin)
- Beads- found @ Michaels for 2.00 each (make sure the hole is big enough to fit thin ribbon through)
- Card stock Paper (I used 3 colors)
- Butterfly Template or punch I found a picture online & printed it out then cut each one. I did 36 total (I wanted my butterflies to be about 3 inches wide)
- Hot Glue Gun
- Ribbon Punch (optional – is a tool used for scrapbooking that punches out two slits for ribbons to feed through)

first step:
1.Take the thread of any color and the hoop and make a grid. 3 across each way as picture(2) above.
2.take your ribbon & wrap it around the hoop(4). I hot glued the ribbon as I went to make sure it stayed.
after the ribbon is all wrapped around the thread should be a little tighter.
3.Once the grid is done you need to take the butterfly's and make 2 slits in the middle of them just wide enough for the thin ribbon to feed through. You want a tight fit so that the butterflies stay put on the ribbons.
(4) Start assembling the butterflies on the thin ribbon, For the chandelier look I did a longer string in the middle and gradually have shorter strand toward the outside. I did for 4 butterflies on my center strand (tied to the middle point of the grid). Then I had 4 strands of 3 butterflies, 4 strands of 2 butterflies, and 12 strands of 1 butterfly. The original post did beads hanging from the bottom of the ribbon but I hung them individually. As a hint, find someplace to balance the hoop like between 2 chairs so you can look at the strands as you attach them to the grid. That way, you can play with the length you want.
(5) I did not think it was shiny enough so I got some glue on sparkles and put them on each butterfly.
Now its finished!
if it does not make sense let me know! have fun!
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