- a rectangular piece of cotton fabric approx. 11x13 in. or a bit bigger (it doesn't have to be cut perfectly)
- a 8x10 mat - you can either purchase a pre-cut mat or cut your own out of mat board
- spray glue -nothing beats 3M Super 77 found at Hobby Lobby or hardware stores
- a scissor - one you don't mind getting glue on
- a sheet rocking knife with a thin blade... an x-acto knife/craft knife will work, too
- Mod-podge
- small foam brush
1.With all your supplies laid out and ready to go, spray the back side of the fabric and the front of the mat with a generous coat of spray glue (outside).
2.Lay your glue covered fabric on a table, glue side up. Carefully place your glue covered mat face down onto the fabric. Make sure to center it, leaving equal portions on each side. Press down firmly all over the back side of the mat. Check the front of the fabric to make sure all air bubbles are out.
3.Cut off the corners of the fabric with scissors... careful to leave only a tiny margin by the corner of the mat (see close-up pic)
4.Pulling firmly, starting next to the corner, pull the fabric up over the mat, one side at a time. Press down, smoothing out all air bubbles.
5. With your knife, cut the interior of the fabric diagonally out, starting in each corner -creating an X. Trim edges.
6. Again, pull fabric up over the edge of the mat, starting in the corners. Pull firmly to ensure that the fabric is tight, especially in the corners. Use Mod-podge on your foam brush to help adhere, if fabric doesn't stick. Once all edges are in place, use Mod-podge to go over the edges of the fabric for extra security and to prevent any fraying. Also pay special attention to the outside corners. These will need a dab of Mod-podge, smoothed down with your finger, also (second photo shows how corner should look before smoothing down).
7. Let dry thoroughly and place in frame!!
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